Sea devil

How can I compose (live electronic) music for a reading by Yoko Tawada, that does not draw attention away from the texts but does not become background, mood, atmosphere? Music as accompaniment - an accompaniment that follows the proceedings but from its own perspective and in its own movement. An accompaniment that opens a space that relates to the space of the texts, that marks a trail, that gives rise to correspondences - be it within a text, or between texts. An accompaniment that, from a rather homogeneous sound material, creates diverse colours, shapes, peculiarities and a coherence that does not intrudes itself on the audience but is true to itself. A second level that is there and present.

Performance in the Akademie der Künste Berlin 26. Mai 2018 at the 19. Poetry Festival Berlin

Score for the speaker
Score for live electronics (not final ...)
GUI Electronics
Code Electronics (pdf)
Program Electronics (csd)